
Capt. Rick Grassett’s Mars Bay Bonefish Lodge, South Andros, Bahamas Fishing Report, November 9-16, 2024

I hosted a group of friends and clients at Mars Bay Bonefish Lodge in South Andros, Bahamas on my annual trip there recently. Stewart Lavelle, from Sarasota, Rick Happle from St. Pete, and I drove from Sarasota to Ft. Lauderdale Executive airport. We met up with other group members; John, DJ, Dave Proctor and Ian Schaad, from NY, Joe Nourigat, from VA and Tracy Baker and Peter Chauncey, from NC and traveled to Congotown, South Andros on Makers Air.RickHflycudaRickHMarsBaybonefish3

Conditions were good most of the time, although there were a couple of very windy days. More importantly, we had good sunlight on most days. We waded vast sand flats and also fished from flats skiffs for everything from large cruising or tailing single and double bonefish to large schools of fish. We had good action most days and there were also a couple of slower days. There were numerous bonefish in the 4 to 6-pound class and larger as well as several double-digit fish caught and released. Top producing flies during the week were Peterson’s Spawning Shrimp, Fitz flies, Ververka’s Mantis Shrimp, Gotchas and Gotcha variations.DJhugeMarsBaysharkattackbonefishDJMarsBaybonefish

DJ caught a huge bonefish, estimated 12 to 14-lb that made a smoking run to the deeper edge of the flat. Unfortunately the fish was met by a large shark that quickly appeared from the deeper water and attacked the fish. Unfortunately despite our best efforts to avoid this, Mother Nature wins out sometimes.TracyMarsBaybonefishCaptRickMarsBaybonefish2

Bill Howard, the resident owner/operator, does a great job making things run smoothly at the lodge. We dined on a variety of excellent authentic Bahamian dishes including fresh fish, lobster and conch. One of the best things about Mars Bay Lodge, the southernmost lodge on South Andros, is fishing the vast sand flats and scattered mangrove keys to the south. Being the southernmost lodge on South Andros also means about a 10-mile shorter boat run each way and more fishing! South Andros has got to be one of the most beautiful places to target bonefish on the planet! This trip, as well as my Montana trip, are annual trips so if you have an interest in any future trips contact me or go to the Destination Trips page of my web sites for more info.

Tight Lines,
Capt. Rick Grassett
FFI Certified Fly Casting Instructor
Fly Casting Instructor at CB’s Saltwater Outfitters,
Orvis Outfitter of the Year-2011
Hosted Destination Fly Fishing Trips and
(941) 923-7799 (Land line/no text)

Capt. Rick Grassett’s Sarasota Fishing Report for 9/8/2024

Fly anglers fishing with me, out of CB’s Saltwater Outfitters on Siesta Key, had some action with snook at night and trout in Sarasota recently. Pat Beckwith, from Sarasota, caught and released snook before dawn and then fished deep grass flats of Sarasota Bay and had some action with trout on flies. Jim Randle, from Sarasota, also got in on the action, catching and releasing several snook on my Snook Minnow fly on another trip. Fishing in the dark is a great way to beat the heat this time of year.PatBeckwithSarasotaflynightsnookJimRandleSarasotaflynightsnook2

Look for snook and juvenile tarpon around dock lights. Deep grass flats are usually a good option for action with trout and more. Our natural resources are under constant pressure from red tides and other algae blooms fueled by residential, industrial and agricultural runoff, toxic spills and intentional releases, freezes, increasing fishing pressure and habitat loss and degradation, please limit your kill, don’t kill your limit!

Tight Lines,
Capt. Rick Grassett
FFI Certified Fly Casting Instructor
Orvis-Endorsed Fly Fishing Guide and Casting Instructor/CB’s Saltwater Outfitters
Orvis Outfitter of the Year-2011
Snook Fin-Addict Guide Service, Inc. and
(941) 923-7799 (office/land line)

Capt. Rick Grassett’s/King Outfitters, Montana Fly Fishing Trip Report for 7/27/2024

I hosted a group of friends and clients on my annual destination fly fishing trip to southwest Montana recently. I traveled from Sarasota to Bozeman and made the 2-1/2 hour drive to Medicine Lodge, on a 100,000 acre working ranch near the Beaverhead River, outside of Dillon, MT. I met up at the lodge with Steve Coburn, from WI, Jeff Coburn, from CO and Mike Perez and Dennis Kinley, from IN.MikePerezMTbrown2DennisKinleyMTbrown

We fished the Beaverhead and Madison Rivers with guide Dave King, owner of King Outfitters (406) 596-0209 in Dillon, and his talented group of guides and caught some quality fish. I’ve fished with Dave for more than 20-years, his guides do a great job and know their fishery well. In spite of rumors of declining fishing, we have experienced great fishing for the last several years and longer!CaptRickMTbrownDaveMTbrown3

We fished 4, 5 and 6-weight fly tackle and caught and released brown and rainbow trout to more than 20” on streamers, dry flies and dry/dropper rigs. The dry fly action was often a hopper, sometimes with a nymph or with a smaller dry fly dropper and a few other bugs. Wildlife was plentiful, we crossed paths with deer, moose and antelope during the week. This is an annual trip for me, so if you have an interest in technical fly fishing for big trout or if you want to learn the ropes and travel with an experienced group, please let me know.MTmoose&baby

Back in Sarasota we are still reeling from Hurricane Debby’s flooding. In addition to record breaking flooding, this storm is an example of what often happens when large amounts of storm water overwhelm wastewater treatment facilities and there is a huge “dump” of hundreds of thousands of gallons of raw sewage. This is unacceptable!

Once things normalize, catch and release snook fishing around dock lights and bridges should be a good option. You might also find juvenile tarpon in a few places mixed with snook around dock lights. Juvenile tarpon in canals and creeks may also be a good option. Our natural resources are under constant pressure from red tides fueled by residential, industrial and agricultural runoff, toxic spills and intentional releases, freezes, increasing fishing pressure and habitat loss and degradation, please limit your kill, don’t kill your limit!

Tight Lines,
Capt. Rick Grassett
FFI Certified Fly Casting Instructor
Orvis-Endorsed Fly Fishing Guide and Casting Instructor/CB’s Saltwater Outfitters
Orvis Outfitter of the Year-2011
Snook Fin-Addict Guide Service, Inc. and
(941) 923-7799 (office/land line)


Capt. Rick Grassett’s Mars Bay Bonefish Lodge, South Andros, Bahamas Fishing Report, November 4-11, 2023

I hosted a group of friends and clients at Mars Bay Bonefish Lodge in South Andros, Bahamas on my annual trip there recently. Stewart Lavelle, from Sarasota, Kirk Grassett, from Middletown, DE, Rick Happle from St. Pete, Bill Crelin, from WI and I drove from Sarasota to Ft. Lauderdale Executive airport. We met up with other group members John from NY, Joe Nourigat, from MD and Tracy and Cullen Baker, from NC and traveled to Congotown, South Andros on Makers Air.StewartLavelleMarsBaybonefishTracyBakerMarsBaybonefishSouthAndros

Conditions were good most of the time, with good sunlight and not a lot of wind. We waded vast sand flats and also fished from flats skiffs for everything from large cruising or tailing single and double bonefish to large schools of fish. We had good action most days and there were also a couple of slower days. There were numerous bonefish in the 4 to 6-pound class and several 8 to 9-pound fish caught and released. Top producing flies during the week were Peterson’s Spawning Shrimp, Fitz flies, Ververka’s Mantis Shrimp, Gotchas and Gotcha variations. This is one of the most beautiful places on the planet!KirkGrassettMarsBaybonefishKirkGrassettMarsBaycudaRickHappleMarsBaybonefish

“Day 5 was one of the best weather days and one of the best fish days hands down. Great time on the water with Kirk while combining wading along with much poling. . . . Landed around 25 fish between me and Rick wherein had a few nice ones while seeing some big boys. . . A big lemon shark bull charged Rick early morning when he had the bonefish close to him trying to remove the hook. Fun fishing day and great conversations” Joe Nourigat’s commentary on a couple of fishing days.CaptRickMarsBaybonefishJoeNourigatMarsBaybonefishJohnMarsBaybonefish3

Bill Howard, the resident owner/operator, does a great job making things run smoothly at the lodge. We dined on a variety of excellent authentic Bahamian dishes including fresh fish, lobster and conch. One of the best things about Mars Bay Lodge, the southernmost lodge on South Andros, is fishing the vast sand flats and scattered mangrove keys to the south. Being the southernmost lodge on South Andros also means about a 10-mile shorter boat run each way and more fishing! South Andros has got to be one of the most beautiful places on earth! This trip, as well as my Montana trip, are annual trips so if you have an interest in any future trips contact me or go to the Destination Trips page of my web sites.

Back home in Sarasota, deep grass flats of Sarasota Bay have been producing trout, blues and pompano on Clouser flies and CAL jigs with shad tails. Tripletail have also been a good option depending on conditions.

Tight Lines,
Capt. Rick Grassett
FFI Certified Fly Casting Instructor
Orvis-Endorsed Fly Fishing Guide at CB’s Saltwater Outfitters
Orvis Outfitter of the Year-2011
Snook Fin-Addict Guide Service, Inc., and
(941) 923-7799 (office/land line)

Capt. Rick Grassett’s Montana Fly Fishing Trip Report for 7/29/2023

I hosted a group of friends and clients on my annual destination fly fishing trip to southwest Montana recently. I traveled from Sarasota to Bozeman and made the 2-1/2 hour drive to Medicine Lodge, on a 100,000 acre working ranch near the Beaverhead River, outside of Dillon, MT. I met up at the lodge with my brother, Kirk Grassett, from DE, Bill Johns, from Venice, FL, Derrick Johns, from Austin, TX and Mike Perez and Dennis Kinley, from IN, who drove and met us at the lodge.KirkGrassettMTbrownDennisKinleyBeaverheadbrownMikePerezMTbrown

Despite some fishing restrictions due to heat, which is typical this time of year, we caught and released some quality trout. We fished the Beaverhead, Big Hole and Madison Rivers with guide Dave King, owner of King Outfitters (406) 596-0209 in Dillon, and his talented group of guides. I’ve fished with Dave for more than 20-years, his guides do a great job and know their fishery well. We fished 4, 5 and 6-weight fly tackle and caught and released brown and rainbow trout to more than 20” on streamers, dry flies, dry/dropper and nymph rigs. The dry fly action was with a variety of dry flies. Often a hopper, sometimes with a nymph or with a smaller dry fly dropper and a few other bugs. A great trip!CaptRickBeaverheadbrown3DerrickJohnsMTbrownBillJohnsMTbrown

Back in Sarasota catch and release snook fishing around dock lights and bridges should be a good option now. There should be tarpon in areas of upper Charlotte Harbor and Tampa Bay. Juvenile tarpon in canals and creeks may also be a good option. You might also find them in a few places mixed with snook around dock lights. Our natural resources are under constant pressure from red tides fueled by residential, industrial and agricultural runoff, toxic spills and intentional releases, freezes, increasing fishing pressure and habitat loss and degradation, please limit your kill, don’t kill your limit!

Tight Lines,
Capt. Rick Grassett
FFI Certified Fly Casting Instructor
Orvis-Endorsed Fly Fishing Guide and Casting Instructor/CB’s Saltwater Outfitters
Orvis Outfitter of the Year-2011
Snook Fin-Addict Guide Service, Inc. and
(941) 923-7799 (office/land line)